We continuously looking for books and literature to expand our library, replace old copies or provide these items for research purposes. Please contact us if you have an extra copy of the listed items or you know someone who does. Thank you.

Books and Booklets

Wolf, C. W. (1858) Apis Mellifica, or the Poison of the Honey Bee Considered as a Therapeutic Agent, Berlin-Philadelphia, 80 pp, (in English and/or German)

Dr. Robert Schwab (1938) Bienengift Als Heilmittel, Georg Thieme Verlag, Leipzig, Germany, booklet, 49 page, (in German)

Yoirish, Naun (1962 or 1963) Apitoxin Therapy (The author's name known as "Ioyris" as well. This is a small booklet or book on bee venom therapy (in Russian). We pay $25.00 U.S.

Ludyanskii, E. A. (1994) Apitherapy, Vologda, Russia, pp. 460, We pay $50.00 U.S.

Nauchno-Issledovatel'skii Institut Pchelovodstva (1995) Apitherapia Cirodne. Materialy IV Nauchno-Prakticheskoi Konferentsii po Apitherapii (11-13 lyunya 1995), Ministerstvo Sel'skogo Khozyaistva I Prodovol'stviya Rossiiskoi Federatsii; Rybnoe, Russia, pp. 141 (in Russian). We pay $20.00 U.S.

Ukrainian Institute of Apiculture; Lithuanian Apitherapists' Association (1993) "Apitherapy and Apiculture," Ukrainian Institute of Apiculture; Lithuanian Apitherapists' Association, Vilnius, Lithuania, pp. 238 (in Russian) We pay $35.00 U.S.

Owen, Julia: Any information about Julia Owen including newspaper and magazine articles on her work, information on her medicated bees for bee venom therapy and stories about her work related to bee venom therapy.

Dr. Fang Zhu (1993) Bee Acupuncture (Bee Venom Therapy), (in Chinese) We pay $20.00 U.S./each

Wijayakusuma, Hembing, Ph.D. (1986?) The Acupuncture Bee Venom Therapy. Published in Indonesia or Sri Lanka , booklet, pp. 78. We pay $20.00 U.S./each

Korea: Bee Venom Therapy related books and publications.

C.I.S. Countries (Former USSR): Bee Venom Therapy related books and publications.


Virapin Spofa A 45 bee venom injection user instruction from the former Czechoslovakia.

Forapin R Fiola user instruction from Germany.

Yoirish, Naun (1962) "Description of a bee tweezer (forceps) used for apitherapy" - in N-12 of Pchelovodstvo, 1960?, article (in Russian). We pay $10.00 U.S.

Yoirish, Naun P. (1975) "Bee Venom - Healing Venom," article, We pay $10.00 U.S.

Patent Application

Oravec, Josef (1952) Patent application on a bee venom collector device, Patent Application No. PV 691-52, The desired application was rejected by the former Czechoslovakian Patent Office and filed for 10 years from the date of application (in Czech or Slovak)
We need a copy of the mentioned patent application or would like to contact the relatives of Mr. Oravec in Czech Republic or Slovakia.

We would appreciate any feedback from you if you are aware of products containing bee venom or homeopathic Apis mellifica or Apium Virus in your country.

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